Narrative text: A naughty dog

                                 A Naughty Dog

         There was a very naughty and evil dog that his master tied a heavy beam around his neck so that people would know the dog's presence and could avoid the dog.

But the naughty Dog is so proud of the necklace and wooden beam, he even runs around while dragging the logs in his fury to attract the attention of others. But no one likes to see the dog.

Another dog who sees it then says "You should be wiser and keep silent at home so that people do not see the beams that are worn around your neck.Are you glad that everyone knows how naughty and wicked you are?"

So the lesson we can learn from this naughty dog tale is
How good is well-known for goodness, do not be imitated to be famous for their unkind or naughty deeds.


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