
APA ITU SSD (Solid-State Drive)?

Apa itu SSD? SSD singkatan dari Solid State Drive atau Solid State Disk, adalah perangkat penyimpan data yang menggunakan serangkaian IC sebagai memori yang digunakan untuk menyimpan data atau informasi. Sebagai analogi, kita mungkin tidak asing lagi dengan USB Flash Drive atau USB Thumb Drive atau USB memory stick. Sebuah alat elektronik yang kita gunakan untuk menyiman data, yang sering kita bawa ke mana-mana, yang dicolokkan pada terminal USB komputer saat ingin mengambil atau menyimpan data. SSD bisa dianggap sebagai versi canggih dari USB Flash drive dengan kapasitas yang jauh lebih besar dan berfungsi sebagai pengganti Hardisk yang selama ini digunakan pada perangkat komputer. Jadi SSD adalah perangkat elektronik yang berfungsi menyimpan data seperti hardisk (HDD : Hard Disk Drive) namun konstruksinya seperti USB Flash Drive, yang tersusun dari beberapa IC sebagai memori. Seperti halnya USB Flash Drive, SSD pun tidak memiliki komponen yang bergerak di dalamnya. Data atau informas

Struktur Organisasi OSIS SMAN 1 PURWOSARI

Struktur organisasi OSIS diatas termasuk kedalam bentuk manajemen lini dan fungsional.   Organisasi Lini dan Fungsional  adalah organisasi yang masing-masing  anggota mempunyai wewenang yang sama dan pimpinannya kolektif. Organisasi Komite lebih mengutamakan pimpinan, artinya dalam organisasi ini terdapat pimpinan “kolektif/ presidium/plural executive” dan komite ini bersifat managerial. Komite dapat juga bersifat formal atau informal,komite-komite itu dapat dibentuk sebagai suatu bagian dari struktur organisasi formal, dengan tugas-tugas dan wewenang yang dibagi-bagi secara khusus. Ciri-Cirinya Tidak tampak adanya pembedaan tugas pokok dan bantuan Spesialisasi secara praktis pada pejabat fungsional Pembagian kerja dan wewenang tidak membedakan perbedaan tingkat eselon Strukutur organisasi tidak begitu kompleks. Biasanya terdiri dari ketua, sekretaris, bendahara, ketua-ketua  seksi, dan para perugas Struktur organisasi secara relatif tidak permanea. Organisasi ini hanya dipa

Narrative text: A naughty dog

                                 A Naughty Dog          There was a very naughty and evil dog that his master tied a heavy beam around his neck so that people would know the dog's presence and could avoid the dog. But the naughty Dog is so proud of the necklace and wooden beam, he even runs around while dragging the logs in his fury to attract the attention of others. But no one likes to see the dog. Another dog who sees it then says "You should be wiser and keep silent at home so that people do not see the beams that are worn around your neck.Are you glad that everyone knows how naughty and wicked you are?" So the lesson we can learn from this naughty dog tale is How good is well-known for goodness, do not be imitated to be famous for their unkind or naughty deeds.


ROBERT H. DENNARD INVENTOR RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY (RAM) Robert H. Dennard was born in Terrell, Texas, USA on September 5, 1932, Robert Dennard, grew up in rural Texas and started school at a one-roof school in the countryside, He told me that he was always looking for a better way to do more things fast for such a quick way of cutting firewood for the stove. After graduating from high school, Robert Dennard went to college at Southern Methodist University in Electrical Engineering. He received a B.S. and M.S from there in 1954 and 1956, then continued his doctoral studies at the Carnegie Institute of Technology in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania which later earned his Ph.D. in 1958. His professional career was then spent as a researcher for International Business Machines (IBM). Curiosity and making things simpler then brought it up for improvement to IBM, where it developed a dynamic one-transistor random access (DRAM) memory. At IBM, he also developed a significant theory on the

Recount: Holiday in Bromo Mountain

     HOLIDAY IN BROMO MOUNTAIN                 Last week, my family and I went to Bromo mountain. I has two sister. I went to Bromo mountain by car. I went to Bromo mountain at 5 o’clock in the morning. Bromo mountain located in pasuruan, East java.             After arrive in Bromo mountain, my family and I bought a cold drinks to remove thirsty. After that my family and I relax while looking at scenery. The view very beautiful. After that, my family and I took the pictures together. Once satisfied there my family and I went home.             I was never forget that experience because that was my first time to went to Bromo mountain with my family. I was very happy to be an holiday with my family.